December 17, 2004

"So, what are we doing for the holidays?"

I hate last-minute sort of people, especially those who cost me money.

I brought up the prospect of doing some sort of Secret Santa (or Secret Hannukah Harry, in Mr. 9.9's case) to keep gift costs down in the office. This was last month, back when finances could be suitably planned. We never decided on anything hard and fast and that point, and by the time we got to this week, we all assumed that we were in equal levels of doo-doo in terms of finances. We'd even discussed (lightly) the idea of circulating a petition to get our pay a couple of weeks early.

Well, yesterday, because BossMan decided it, it was planned that we would do a holiday "thing" next Tuesday. When asked how much we should limit gifts to, I said with a straight face "$3." I held my tongue in saying "You know how much you pay me."

Frankly folks, I don't have $15 bucks to spend on anyone in general, including myself. $15 for some random gift that I probably won't even need/want.

If they want to be useful, go buy a gas gift card and put that in the pot. By Tuesday I'm going to need it.

Posted by Tiffany at December 17, 2004 07:49 AM | TrackBack

Hell, in MY book, even $3 is overly generous for a throw-away gift.

Posted by: Harvey at December 17, 2004 11:26 PM

I'll fix em. You'll see.

*maniacal laughter*

Posted by: Tiffany at December 18, 2004 08:36 PM