December 18, 2004

Putting a bad taste in their mouths for next year.

Since I was sort of miffed about that whole $15 gift thing, I decided to get the most tasteless collection of tripe possible.

My problem is that we're not doing the tried-and-true secret Santa thing, but are turning the gifting into a little game. I'll explain.

All who are participating draw a number. The person who draws "1" gets to select whichever item they're fond of.

The person who draws "2" gets to select a gift from what's left or take number 1's gift. Number 3 can take what's left or take what they want from person 1 or 2....and on and on.

The way I see it, the only way to make everyone happy in a situation like that would be if everyone bought the same exact thing, say a $15 gift card to wherever.

Being that I have more imagination packed into my little finger than most people have in their entire bodies, I said "Fuck it." Last night as I haunted A.C. Moore for project yarn, I spotted, yes--you guessed it, the kiddy crafts.

So, whoever has the misfortune of drawing #1 will likely be stuck with:

1. ah tattoos.jpg
A book of action hero tattoos, value $1.00.

2. play doh.jpg
A four-pack of play-doh in the usual colors, value $1.42.

3. magic rocks.jpg
A Magic Rocks kit with crashed UFO, value $6.99.

Now then. I guess I can steal some sharpies from the supply closet to make up the other $5. Someone remind me to take the camera to work on Tuesday.

Posted by Tiffany at December 18, 2004 08:31 PM

I got dibs on the magic rocks :-)

Posted by: Harvey at December 18, 2004 11:32 PM

I trade Harvey my book of action hero tattoos for the rocks!

Posted by: KEEME at December 19, 2004 02:10 AM

What, no Sea Monkeys?

Posted by: Momotrips at December 19, 2004 01:28 PM

Cool! Play-Doh!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 24, 2004 06:33 AM