December 21, 2004


Tomorrw is Scott's last day of work. Forever. ...well, at the place that he works now, anyway.

I have mixed feelings about the situation. He went there when it was just a start-up agency with no hope of profit in sight because he wanted to do "cool work."

Well, he got lured away by green and bling bling. He's going "corporate." I gave him a good verbal thrashing about it, but I admit that I myself am looking forward to being able to go to the grocery store and not have to peek in my check register to see how many pennies in either direction I can go.

But then again, art is art, and corporate art is no fun.

Have you ever sold out to buy your wife shoes feed your family?

Posted by Tiffany at December 21, 2004 07:50 AM

Hell yeah. I've been whoring myself out since I was 12. Until very recently I had never had a job that I wouldn't have dropped in a heartbeat for one that paid more. Even though the job I have now is great I would leave it if something attractive enough came along.

Dreams are great and they're a factor in decisions but they're not the lynchpin. I make my dreams come true at home, what I do at work is ... well, it's just work.

Posted by: Jim at December 21, 2004 08:36 AM

More or less. I stayed in the military for years longer than I'd have liked in order to get that lifetime retirement check at age 40. I'm not sure the stress, separations from my kids, and risk to life and limb were worth it.

Posted by: Nanc' at December 21, 2004 09:40 AM

[raises hand and steps up to the mic]
I had an auto repair shop and was doing "OK". The wife wanted more, more, more. I was in Love/Lust so I gave it up to work for this guy... I hated my job... I moved up to the #2 spot... his right hand man... I hated me (I learned a lot about business and how corporate America worked but... and made a few more pennies).

My boss and my wife did a corporate merger.

I am now the happiest single Dad ever. I dislike my current job but I am home with my kids more often than not.

Still have the entrepreneurial bug... some day I will be a voice-over cat (maybe everybody's children favorite cartoon character).

Posted by: KEEME at December 21, 2004 11:40 AM

I don't call it selling out. It's doing what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do.

Posted by: Daniel at December 21, 2004 12:32 PM

Sweetie, my husband sells out every single day - it keeps a very fine roof over our very large home in our very nice neighborhood with the very good schools. He hates it everyday. He'd much rather be in the restaurant business for himself, but knows that even the evil hours that he keeps at the office won't even compare to the hours he'd have to put in at a restaurant to make a go of it. We'd also not have our nice lifestyle or the hope of retirement and sending our three little "hoodlums" to college. They call it work for a reason.

If Scott is talented enough to be offered more money to go corporate, then congratulate him (yay, Scott!), marvel over your hopefully great insurance, get pregnant, quit your unhappy job, stay home, write freelance and redecorate. Or whatever it is that the extra cash will facilitate for you. It's the American way. Maybe you will then have time to write a best-selling novel, sell yourself out on Oprah, thus affording Scott the ability to start up his own firm and have "fun" again. Then you both win!

Posted by: Momotrips at December 21, 2004 07:03 PM

Ya see, I've been complaining about not having two nickels to rub together for so long that I've made it my raison d'etre. What am I going to complain about now?.....taxes? Heh.


Posted by: Tiffany at December 21, 2004 08:02 PM