January 14, 2005

By George, I think I've got it.

I think I've located the mysterious Dr Pepper thief.

When I rode to Wendy's with Mr. 9.9 yesterday, there was a half-empty can in his car, which he poured the rest of which out in the parking lot.

Sad. Stole my drink and didn't even have the courtesy to finish it. Tsk.

Posted by Tiffany at January 14, 2005 07:40 AM

Kick his ass! Fight! Fight!

Posted by: Bob S-K at January 14, 2005 11:56 AM

You know, if you had pushed him out of the car at, say 50 MPH, then you would have been the only one who knew what really happened.
"You see, officer, he screamed 'I hate my job' then threw himself out...tragic." :)

Posted by: wordweaver at January 14, 2005 01:01 PM

I don't have any reason to defend him, but just to play devil's advocate, it's possible that Dr. Pepper made more than one can of their soda. It's also possible that you're not the only person in the city who drinks it ;-)
In my office it was the cleaning crew that helped themselves to anything in the fridge. They ate my whole lunch once. If you hadn't consumed it by 5:30pm, it was fair game.

Posted by: Amy at January 16, 2005 06:55 PM

I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know that someone out there is willing to be his advocate, but just by the sheer facts that he's drink-lifted before when staff members have been absent, and the fact that he doesn't drink Dr Pepper make him the likely culprit.

And besides: there are only six people in my office, I can exclude myself, obviously, and the two non-soda drinkers. The remaining two knew it was my drink and know to respect certain boundaries.

The fact that Dr Pepper manufactures more than one soda at a time doesn't make my lunch items free for the pickin'....and besides, I'm referring to a person who submitted an expense report to me for $0.89 of coffee creamer.

Posted by: Tiffany at January 16, 2005 08:40 PM