January 19, 2005

I'm happy, really I am.

"Senate Panel Gives Rice Confirmation Nod"

Condoleeza Rice couldn't answer a question directly if her life counted on it, but I think she has enough gumption to do the job well...and she's certainly smart enough. My only concern is that she'll not be vocal enough in expressing the need for the administration to become more focused on domestic policies.

I have a political wishlist the length of my arm that I want to send to her with a "Hey, woman power! Solidarity, my sister!" post-it stuck to. But I'm a realist.

Posted by Tiffany at January 19, 2005 01:06 PM

I dunno, Tiffany. From the coverage I heard the questions were extremely leading. Not just from the Democrats either - the Republicans seemed to be trying to outdo the Dems, maybe to 'proove' they weren't partisan or something.

Before the vote during a second day of Rice testimony, Biden said Wednesday during the hearing that the goal of Tuesday's line of questioning was "not to play 'I gotcha' or embarrass the president but [to find out] what we learned, what we'd do different [in Iraq] … or, given a different circumstance, which we may face" in Korea, Iran, or Syria.

The confirmation hearings are supposed to be about confirming the appointee's ability to perform the job, not a fact finding interrogation about the former administration.

I was disappointed in the whole proceeding because I still have no inkling of how well Rice will do as a diplomat.

Posted by: Jim at January 20, 2005 08:12 AM

"My only concern is that she'll not be vocal enough in expressing the need for the administration to become more focused on domestic policies."

That's not her job. Her job is everything *but* domestic matters now.

Posted by: Ted at January 21, 2005 06:57 PM