March 11, 2005

Bad Business

Okay, so. (Yes, I'm still at home. I have to check in to the hospital at 1:30 today. Why, yes, I am starving and craving a gallon on water. How did you know?)

The Service Magic-affiliated schmuck that was supposed to stop by two weeks ago to give me an estimate on cleaning up the yard finally got back to me with an estimate. In his "estimate" he basically stated that he couldn't do it because he only mows residential yards. On his own website he states that he does spring clean-ups and fall leaf removal. So, ??????

That sounds ass-backwards to me. In my original request for a quote I stated that I needed leaf removal and de-thatching.

Somehow this idiot thinks that I'm so stupid that I don't know the difference between moss and thatch. And I quote:

"I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I looked at you yard and it's something that we don't do. We do residential work, but only those that we mow. You yard has allot of Moss, I think you called it thatch. IT can we controlled by adjusting the pH of the soil. If you just remove the moss, you are going to create a erosion problem. Good luck and Thanks for considering XXX landscaping"......

Excuse me? Did we not speak on the phone and I told you quite bluntly that I needed all of the FUCKING LEAVES REMOVED and that there was a lot of THATCH BUILD-UP UNDER the leaves? Did you not say "Okay?" At any point did I ever say anything about mowing grass? WE DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING GRASS! Do you know why you see moss? Because THAT'S WHAT'S GROWING ON TOP OF THE THATCH, YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!

*regains composure*

I don't like liars. He didn't show up at the scheduled time, and then didn't call when he was supposed to, so that's two strikes. If he didn't want to do the job or was unable to, that's what he should have said. I don't need creative little excuses. There's nothing wrong with my pH. Theoretically it's the exact same as my neighbors' right? Well, they all have grass with no maintenance. Shit, WE have grass in the back yard.

I think I'm going to cross my fingers and place an ad for some college kid to come in and do it for like $7 bucks an hour. Maybe I won't get an axe-murderer.

Posted by Tiffany at March 11, 2005 09:16 AM

I think you mentioned you can leave reviews at that site? You should seriously consider leaving one. Not a hostile, angry one, just one that expresses your disappointment in his methods. You might mention his typo of "a lot" too. I hate that.

Posted by: Amanda at March 11, 2005 01:18 PM
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