March 14, 2005

I wonder.

When I was hobbling out to the mailbox earlier at work (you know, you never realize how high up the curb is until you have stitches and forget to step down gingerly) I heard a dude on his cell phone talking to who, I guess, was his doctor.

He said something along the lines of "yeah, I'm still on my crutches. I can't even get off of them without feeling any pain. The medication I have isn't helping. I'm taking Vicodin [insert very high dosage here]. I'll need something else."

The bastard was walking around with no assistance of said crutches with his little pothead friend waiting in the car for him (said pothead friend is the son of the guy who rents the suite next to ours and works there according to his own hours and schedule).

I immediately suspected that he was a fucking poser, but who am I to judge? The two then drove off in a tricked-out Nissan with a very loud muffler making very sure to top second gear before they got out of the 100 feet to the business park exit.

*scratches head*

children. I really hope there's some system in place where the prescribing doctor won't just call in a new precription to the pharmacy without seeing the patient again. They're trying so hard to crack down on freakin' cough syrup over the counter, but if it's that easy to get drugs....sheesh.

Okay, I can see calling the doc and pleading for mercy because you're seeing purple horseshoes and rainbows whenever you close you eyes, but how can they tell you're not them?

Posted by Tiffany at March 14, 2005 05:55 PM

Dang meth makers - when one of us gets a cold I often bring home more than one cold remedy, to cover all bases - you know, drowsy, non-drowsy, various symptoms. Now stores are restricting how many you can purchase at once. While I understand the need for that, I can't help feeling resentment (for the criminals, responsible) for being denied my option of carrying out an armload of OTC meds.

Posted by: Amanda at March 14, 2005 06:10 PM

I had no idea you work in my neighborhood!

Posted by: Diana at March 15, 2005 07:23 AM


Posted by: grad at June 13, 2005 10:40 PM dartedgiddynightie

Posted by: trouble at September 9, 2005 08:04 AM foughtliftingresist

Posted by: none at September 16, 2005 09:28 AM complimentwhosewondered

Posted by: packed at October 1, 2005 08:56 AM
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