April 02, 2005

Adding a new bundle of joy to our family.

Don't get your panties in a knot. The Tiffany will not be spawning any time soon.

Scott and I have been debating getting a pet for some time now. Not just your run-of-the mill swimming/running-on-excercise-wheel sized pet, but something that can knock shit over in your house.

I was leaning towards getting a cat because they tend to have a presence in the house without demanding so much of your attention. You dump them a can of smelly stuff into a plate every few hours, scratch them behind they ears, and they leave you the fuck alone. They may occasionally do you the favor of dancing lively jigs on your head when you're late waking up in the monrings.

But then again, dogs can be pretty companionable (unless they're those small lap breeds that bite strangers and scare curious children). There's something quite endearing about the way a dog will put his head in your lap when you're visiting a friend just to let you know that you smell like you belong to another dog and I'm going to stay right here until you smell like me instead--ha ha. I just didn't want to have to purchase a rain slicker and galoshes to be able to walk a dog in this neighborhood when it rains.

I have here a completed adoption application for the county aniaml protection society.

We're going to go down there and look at some dogs and see what's cute and friendly. I preferrably want a very young dog that's already leash trained that won't eat my children when I have them.

...you'll know more when I do.

Posted by Tiffany at April 2, 2005 11:23 AM

I've actually read (and tend to believe now that we have one) that cats are only so independent and antisocial because we expect them to be and don't give them as much attention as we would give other animals. Our cat got a lot more attention at her old home, and she definitely lets us know that she's lonely now. It's kind of nice to know that they're not as soulless as people tend to think they are. But I love dogs, too. Wish I had one. Good luck with your choice.

Posted by: kira at April 2, 2005 11:55 AM

Well, my cat is NOT the friendly type. She's gorgeous and she knows it, but she's never been very people friendly. She lived under the bed for the first four years of the boys lives. She's never quite forgiven us for bringing them home.

We got a new dog a year ago - a toy fox terrier. She's tiny, only four pounds full grown (less than half the size of the cat), but she is the most fun pet I've ever had. She's like a combination cat and dog. Great, great pet, even with three grabby six year-olds. I suggest the breed highly.

You can find some great pets at the pound. We only went pure bred because we wanted a small indoor breed, not a lot of hair (our cat leaves enough around the house) and good with kids. Too many variables when you get to the pound and fall in love with a 60 pound, hairy behemoth.

Good luck!

Posted by: Momotrips at April 2, 2005 02:30 PM

Oh yeah, will you let us see a picture of the new varmint when you get it?

Posted by: Momotrips at April 2, 2005 03:21 PM
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