April 27, 2005


When I was a smoker my breakfast of choice would be a cup of strong coffee and a couple on non-mentholateds. I miss that. Fucking breakfast of CHAMPIONS.

I miss going outside on the deck and squatting down to find a comfortable balance where I could rest my cup on one knee and flick casually with the other hand.

Now I get up, get dressed, walk out the door, and go straight to the office. I do not pass go, nor do I collect that desperately-needed $200.

Yes, I am starving right now--how did you know?

I've tried light things like yogurt and fruit for breakfast. I've tried cereal. Most of the time my stomach will be growling an hour later in anticipation for lunch.

I guess this is a casual survey - what's a good [light] breakfast that will give me some energy but not have my stomach talking to people on the other end of the phone?

Posted by Tiffany at April 27, 2005 07:28 AM


Posted by: KEEME at April 27, 2005 11:24 AM

I eat an apple every morning. It involves lots of chewing so that helps make me think I am full. Plus I don't like doctors, so I am set if the apple thing really works.

Posted by: mace at April 27, 2005 12:42 PM

Breakfast from Vendoland (or convenience store)...a bag of chips, a caffeinated soda and/or a candy bar. If you're hung-over, then you've gotta get some(thing) grease(y) in your system the fast-food way.

Posted by: Michael at April 27, 2005 01:19 PM

Some people don't like these but I like Quaker breakfast squares. They are these huge squares of various flavored oatmeal. My favorite is brown sugar cinnamon. My husband hates them, says they are too dry and calls them "Breakfast bricks." They are great with a glass of milk.

Posted by: Amanda at April 27, 2005 03:14 PM

I like Quaker Oat Squares, with milk. Or a buttered english muffin. But my favorite is just a plain bagel with cream cheese.

Like you, my breakfast consisted of coffee and smokes. But since I've quit smoking, I found that I needed something a little more substantial than coffee. I tried the fruit and totally nutritious route, too, but got tired of being hungry after 45 minutes at work. So I started experimenting, and found those things I mentioned already that a) I like, and b) stick with me until lunch time.

Posted by: Dave at April 27, 2005 05:07 PM

Wheat toast with butter and grape jelly, or whatever jelly/jam you like. You're not gonna be full unless there are carbs in your belly. (Or at least, I'm not gonna be full unless there are carbs in my belly.)

Posted by: Em at April 27, 2005 05:54 PM

Avoid the high carb foods for breakfast. I'm not saying go on an Atkins diet, just don't eat these for breakfast. The reason you're starving for food way before lunchtime is that traditional "light" breakfasts are just a carb bash. They give you a blood sugar rush that is very satisfying for a short while, are followed by a sugar crash (that is cleverly concealed by the caffeine high you have by then) that is shortly followed by strong hunger pangs.

Cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs. These are great breakfast staples. You don't need to eat much and you won't be starving an hour and a half before lunchtime.

Posted by: Jim at April 28, 2005 11:06 AM

Since I gave up the smokes a long time ago I just stick with the coffee. On a rare occasion I'll snag a glazed donut out of the freezer. Eat it frozen. Its a great treat.

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at April 30, 2005 09:12 AM
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