May 07, 2005

Being Lazy

I don't feel like doing anything. The cat danced on my head for a couple of hours this morning, annoyed that she hadn't been fed. The audacity! Did she not know it was Saturday and that she gets fed late on Saturday?

I got up and gave her some slop that will, if the past is any guide, inevitably cause her to fart noxious fumes even whle sitting in my lap. I don't have a regal cat. My cat is uncouth as a housekity can get.

I had a weird sinus headache (likely brought on by the cat hair mulch in my sheets and comforter) so I took an Advil and went back to bed for a few hours. The cat decided to lay her [now] fat ass next to me which prevented me from rolling over.

Here, kitty kitty. She's tapping my arm now as I type. I'm sorry, kid. I've got nothing left to give you.

I guess I'll catch up on some laundry and clean some of the tumbling tumbleweeds of dust out of the bedroom. If I get really stagnant in the energy department, I may find myself sitting at the kitchen table with one ear turned to NPR and the other to the cat scratching in her litter box. And doing nothing else.

I thought I'd maybe take myself to an early movie. But I don't feel like dealing with people today. I'm not area-savvy enough to know which theaters are crowded at which times.

I'd go to the mall to get a new pair of shoes for work...but some Grinch called FICA stole my paycheck.

Oh, and Scott's away. Usually anatagonizing him takes up the bulk of my free time during the weekends. I don't feel like being creative.

Posted by Tiffany at May 7, 2005 02:01 PM

I have 7 cats. They all get the same diet, but some of them are stinkier than others! ;^)

Posted by: Pimme at May 7, 2005 09:13 PM
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