July 17, 2005

Sob, sob. Heave, heave.

So, I finished the new Harry Potter book. *sigh*

You remember how somewhere in the middle of the Lord of the Rings trilogy how it was depressing as hell and there was nowhere to go but up?


That's all I'll say regarding that in case you were going to read it. I willl comment to all the people saying that these are kids' books that there are enough S.A.T.-level words in there to have a unabridged dictionary nearby.

Posted by Tiffany at July 17, 2005 08:59 PM | TrackBack

I can't wait to read Harry Potter, first I have to wait for my boyfriend to finish it though.

Posted by: Adi at July 19, 2005 10:45 AM

Totally agree with you on the feelings after finishing the new book. I managed to read the last page late Sunday night.

I realized a long time ago that some of my favorite books are what other people will call "kids' books." I consider it a fair trade off for not having a subscription to Weekly World News.

Posted by: Michelle at July 20, 2005 03:23 AM
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