September 17, 2005

Oh, no they di-in't

My across-the-street neighbors got a new mailbox and post. Good. That's good thinking - we need to do the same and are simply still shopping for a unique mailbox that fits the architecture of our home. We live in one of those neighborhoods where everyone has the same front door - merely in different colors. Everyone has the same mailbox - merely on different posts. We're trying to change both of those things. No, there are no community bylaws preventing such. People are just lazy and too afraid to purchase items that can't be found at Home Depot.

Previously our mailboxes were posted about one foot apart and they (the neighbors) have a ugly-ass Nandina growing in front of theirs which they don't prune. Its roots have impeded the growth of the perennials I plant there each spring. We sneak out there on occasion when we're doing yard work and knock it down a couple of feet so that we can access our mailbox without daddy long legs jumping on us. Well, they've moved their mailbox about eight feet away from ours and have left that damned bush behind.

I'll wait until tomorrow while they're circling the neighborhood walking their dogs to rip the entire plant out from the roots. I'll make sure they can see me. I see them in their yard admiring their mailbox from afar right now.

I'm pissed because if we get a mailbox and post that are totally different than what they just put out there people will think that we're trying to either one-up them or just be contrary. The fact that they moved their new set so far away from ours makes them look like they have a problem with the way our current mailbox looks.

Yes, I'm petty.

Posted by Tiffany at September 17, 2005 02:01 PM | TrackBack

Try this one:

Trust me - NO ONE will complain to your face :-)

Posted by: Harvey at September 19, 2005 08:45 PM
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