The other thing I HATE about mall shopping (*see previous post*) is that during the holidays, every fucking sales clerk within a 100-yard radius of you is on commission mode and feels the strong need to ask "How are YOU today?" every five minutes.
I think they're trying to distract you so that you don't look at the damned price tags.
Posted by Tiffany at December 7, 2005 09:24 PM | TrackBackI feel you on that one. The thing that got me the other day when I was out shopping for skis. The guy was all about helping me to the checkout but knew nothing about skis, sizing, boots nothing. I'm like gee thanks.
Posted by: Samantha at December 8, 2005 09:47 AMI've had the rabid salesbot syndrome before. Its a PITA but there are ways to get around it.
As in, telling them that you'll specifically seek out another salesbot to buy your stuff from if they don't back off. Another way is to say you're just doing research and will be buying all of your gifts online. Then just pray you don't need help because they'll be quite reluctant!
Posted by: Johnny Huh? at December 8, 2005 02:39 PMShopping at this time of year is absolutely horrible.
Posted by: Adi at December 8, 2005 05:35 PMY'know what I can't stand? Perfume pushers. They really get all up in your personal space, and I'm always afraid they're going to spritz me without asking first.
Posted by: Fraulein N at December 9, 2005 03:51 PM