January 05, 2006


(also known as "Random-ass shit.)

My office assistants have been out since Christmas. Both of them. Understandably, if you're out of school you're certainly not going to cut your vacation short to go to work unless your supervisor demands it of you...which I do not.

In going around and collecting yesterday's activity tally's this morning, I became infuriated at the condition of one of my assistant's inboxes. It's of no fault of his own, of course.

Let me fill you in on some backstory - some time ago, there was a decision made that recruiters would process their own paper work. Too much shit gets lost in translation between the recruiter and the person doing the data entry. It got all piled up in MY inbox because I was doing IMPORTANT things, so Bossman decided that they needed to do their own shit.

Well, one particuarly slack-ass recruiter has been putting all his shit in my assistant's basket. This is taboo - EVERYTHING has to come through me. I delegate work to them, so when people sidestep the process and put shit directly into their baskets, files doesn't get processed timely or correctly.

A week ago when I was ready to quit at the slightest provocation, I would have made a real stink just shy of cursing the dude out. Today, I just took away both baskets. Let's see what they dump their shit into.

Posted by Tiffany at January 5, 2006 07:20 AM | TrackBack

Five gets you ten, they'll just put the crap on the assistants' desks now. Lack of a basket has never stopped people from putting crap on my desk, that's for sure.

Posted by: Jim at January 6, 2006 05:37 AM
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