We use MSN Instant Messenger in our office to communicate quick requests and little jokes.
Occassionally, people like to carry on long conversations via I.M. Because people have a tendancy to hover around my desk, I really can't be discreet while doing this, so I'll cut the conversation short with a series of "ha ha!"s or "LOL!"s, hoping they'll get back to work.
Doesn't work that way. They'll continue to message me until they physically remove butt from chair and walk over to my desk to complain/bitch-moan/gossip, etc.
I turned my I.M. off at around 8:30 this morning. A coworker (Lioness, if you must know), informed me about 10 minutes ago that my I.M. is off. I responded, "I know." No need to hash words.
"Touch�," said she, and then went on to talk more about her daughter. It's enough to make your eyes water.
How do I get them to shut up?
Posted by Tiffany at February 9, 2006 11:01 AM | TrackBackI tune people out and just continue what I'm doing while going "Uh huh" and "Reeaally..." every once in a while.
It works so well that I've succeeded in alienating both stepdaughters... They hardly ever call and ramble for hours anymore. Well, they still do, but now I know how to block 'em out... :D
Posted by: pam at February 9, 2006 01:04 PMi have found if you say something gross/semi gross that will shut them up
say "hold on i gotta fart that wont come out "
they will leave you alone for at least an hour
i promise