February 22, 2006

Fuck 'em.

Here's my general impression of my job: pbbst.

I remember two weeks ago when the very thought of looking for other work made me feel quesy and disloyal. Now I'm so hot to get out of here that I'd take the first ride out.

On any given day, a myriad of things will piss me off, whether it be six peanut butter-covered knives in the kitchenette sink (left by one person) or empty water cooler bottles that should have been switched. I've been keeping my emotions to myself and haven't uttered a word to anyone here that I'm out interviewing. These people are childish.

What really bothers me the most about working here is that I get up each morning, plan my day, and do the job I was hired to do while my coworkers sit around doing a bitch & moan routine about whichever topic is trendy for the day. When they finally do something that resembles their job my boss jumps out of his chair and runs into the vicinity of wherever the "worker" is and gives them a big ol' verbal celebration.

I get bitched out because the phones have static.

No shit. (We had a T1 line installed on Monday and there are a couple of bugs. They're sending a technician out - what more do these idiots want me to do, dismantle the phone system and look for specks of dust or something?) Because a certain individual was complaining that her calls weren't getting through yesterday (it's not like she ever takes any calls anyway, Bossman came out of his office demanding that I take care of something he had asked me to take care of two hours prior. I told him as much. They'd have me get on the phone and scream at the phone company until veins stuck out in my neck. I don't do customer service that way. When people call in here and give me a hard time because a headhunter called into their company I keep my mouth shut and take the abuse because that's professional. Why would I turn that around on another person? If they have 24 hour response, then I'll give them 24 hours to get out here. Being a jackass and telling them that your company is more important than everyone else's company who is having phone problems is likely to not get you the customer service you need when the shit really hits the fan down the line.

Anyway, it's the little indignities that really have me packing my bags. I'm expected to know way too much to do this job without being trained on it or given sufficient tools to do it. They think that I should be able to do it on the principle that "It needs to be done and since it isn't anyone else's job you have to do it." And you know what? I do it. I don't make excuses for why it's not done. If it's not done, I'll say, "I haven't done that yet."

I don't care where I go at this point, I just can't wait to leave.

Posted by Tiffany at February 22, 2006 07:29 AM | TrackBack

Oh Tiffany...I feel your pain. You know I do. I'm looking to get out of my place on the first thing smoking also. Keep the faith...that you'll find a new job!

Posted by: karsh at February 22, 2006 09:53 AM
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