June 26, 2006

I'm so brave.

So, I quit my job today. Or gave notice, at least. It's not like I walked out of there in a huff splashing lighter fluid all about and threatening to throw a match.

I waited until I got some lunch in my stomach (SHIT, I LEFT MY MCDONALDS APPLE PIES IN THE WORK FRIDGE!), and went into my boss's office under the pretense of compiling the payroll figures. Only this time I shut the door behind me.

I'd been working all morning on what I would say, and the best I could come up with was: "You may question my timing on this, but I have some bad news."

At that point I had a seat in a chair and dropped my stack of payroll materials in the other seat.

"Next Friday will be my last day."

I should comment here that before I went into his office, I had a serious case of the giggles. I had gotten up from my desk and got halfway to his door and had to turn back because I was basically eating chuckles. I just found the situation at that moment funny - God knows why.

Anyway, his reaction consisted of a couple of thumps on his desk with his pen, and very little questioning. I know he's pisssssssssssssssssed. I could tell because he didn't even try working out what my succession plan would be and what my assistant would be trained on. Two minutes after I made my announcement, he was all, "Okay, what's Adam getting paid on this month?"

So, that's that. I suspect that during the next couple weeks I'll be doing every inane task under the sun that he'll be afraid to have someone else do. Oh well.

Posted by Tiffany at June 26, 2006 04:41 PM | TrackBack

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you to get out of there.

Posted by: Erica at June 26, 2006 05:29 PM


Posted by: Sheron at June 27, 2006 05:10 PM

How ballsy! Usually, I just end up writing some BS, formal letter and put it on their desk/in their mailbox, when they are gone (at the end of the day) or on vacation or on a Friday before the weekend, so as to give me a few days "cushion." Leaving it up to THEM to come approach me afterwards.

Posted by: Michael at June 27, 2006 08:18 PM
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