July 06, 2006

giddy with anticipation

So, today will effectually be my last day here at work. It was supposed to be tomorrow, but given certain peoples' predictable natures, I'm not going to stick around for the barrage of questions about what I'll be doing and such (my planned answer would have been "I'm going to be the new Jasmine at Disneyland). I don't want to be taken out to lunch. I don't want people to gather around an ice cream cake purchased for me that I won't even eat (who the hell likes the idea of their company celebrating their departure?).

As soon as I can reprogram a couple of computers and shuffle some papers off my desk and onto someone else's, I'm out. I'll be spending the next six days at home in front of the television in a vegetative state and fielding phone calls from frantic people who can't figure out how to XYZ. Next Thursday we leave for Tampa, and when we get back, I have a few more days at home to sweep cat hair. Then I'm off to Atlanta to be reprogrammed on how to be a good person non-corporate service.

Don't hate.

UPDATED: 12:44 pm

Still at work. As predicted, a couple of last-minute projects have been sprung on me. *mad*

Posted by Tiffany at July 6, 2006 07:06 AM | TrackBack

Screw the last minute projects. What are they going to do, fire you? I bet you're soooo happy. You are going to have the greatest weekend knowing you don't have to go back to that place. I'm envious.

Posted by: nicole at July 6, 2006 05:10 PM
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