July 10, 2006

I may dust a little, yet.

I've been waking up with a stuffy head the past few mornings. It ususally clears up on its own within a couple of hours after waking up. It's so hard to tell whether it's the cat hair piling up and matting to my comforter and sheets that are prompting me to need to wash them earlier than necessesary or if the air filter needs to be changed again.

I'll just open a few window.

It was my plan to do a top-to-bottom house cleaning before we leave for Tampa, so that when we come back the house smells nice (hopefully there will be no kitty "piles" on the floor), and we don't feel like we're coming home to a sty. That's hard to think about. I'd rather think about snacking and television.

Posted by Tiffany at July 10, 2006 08:01 AM | TrackBack