August 08, 2006

*feels the need to shower*

Some dirty old man just came into the office and offered me a mint.

Actually, I saw him first on the elevator this morning coming in - he's the guy that goes around to all the suites to see if any of the lights have blown out. He eyed my belly unabashedly. I was giddy with relief when he got off on the bottom floor.

An hour later, here I am, minding my own business...whiling away the hours before my supervisor comes in by blogging, and here comes the dude again. "Shit," my inner monologue said. He checks the light, and proceeds to offer me a mint, which I took (and ate. it was wrapped.). He asks me questions about my pregnancy and whether the baby will be spoiled and blah blah blah and tells me all about his fatherless childhood.

He left after that, and I just shook my head and went back to my time-wasting. Less than five minutes later he comes back to ask me if my husband works in the building. No, he doesn't. "Okay, well, you make sure you tell him to treat you right or I'll come after him."

*blink blink*

Okay, I need an office with a door. The only other one in this suite doesn't have air conditioning.

Posted by Tiffany at August 8, 2006 08:10 AM | TrackBack
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