November 07, 2006

The Grid

Here's a picture of the kitty booby trap I have set up on the kitchen table. You can probably tell that they're using the table as a perch to look outside. I think the window sill has been adequate for that purpose and they should continue using it for such.

The premise behind the tape is that cats don't like the feeling of having sticky stuff on their paws so they'll avoid the tape by avoiding the table. Furthermore, any cat dumb enough to sit her fat rear on the table will find that when they stand they'll lose a few hundred hairs. Since I don't have to be in the room to monitor them, they won't associate ME with the punishment when it happens. They'll think the table is doing it to them.

Hopefully, after a couple of weeks they'll get the point that their butts do not belong where I eat.

Posted by Tiffany at November 7, 2006 01:03 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: Erica at November 7, 2006 07:09 PM
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