February 04, 2007


I was running out to the post office this morning and on the way to the car I dropped the kitchen trash into the outdoor garbage bin. In the process, I dropped half of the mail I was taking and my wallet down into the bowels of the receptacle.

As I'm 5'2", the can is easily 4' high, and since the dropped items had slipped down the side, I couldn't get my stumpy little arm far enough down to get my wallet. Of course I was pissed seeing as how I had taken a shower fifteen minutes prior, and there I was digging into a dirt-splattered, foul-smelling plastic bin.

I had to stand on the upside-down recycling bin to get my wallet out.

I feel so. So. Dirty.

Posted by Tiffany at February 4, 2007 09:56 AM | TrackBack

Oh, damn.

Posted by: Erica at February 4, 2007 07:51 PM
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