February 07, 2007

There are words for women like her that begin with "B."

My mother is a bag of mixed nuts left cracked and unsealed, so is therefore rancid and decidedly untasty.

I've posted in the past about how she hasn't come to visit the baby yet. Where she and my grandmother live is an easy three hour drive on country roads to here. It's not like hard, interstate driving....well...until you get to 85, anyway. There have been ELEVEN weekends since Roland was born and now and she could have came up on any one of them. Rather, she asked when we were going to take the baby to see them. My mother-in-law live just as far away and has seen the kid at least five times.

I don't answer strange numbers on my cell phone - I just don't. A lot of the time, I won't answer the phone even if I recognize the number. If I'm not in the mood to talk, I won't answer. Answering for the sole purpose of saying, "Can I call you back?" opens the door to being questioned about why and after all that you might as well of had the damn conversation.

Apparently she conned her new boyfriend/ex-husband number two to get her a cell phone with a NY area code as she intends to move back up there. When she called last week, I read the caller i.d. display and thought "Hmm, that's not my sister..." and put the phone back on the desk. She left a strained "Hi, you never answer your phone" message and that was that. I didn't return her call because it's hard to carry on phone conversations with an unpredicitable infant in the house (that's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it).

This morning, around eightish, she called and left another voicemail demanding to know why I don't return her "calls" [all one of them] and stating that she was planning to come visit us. Then she got all passive-aggressive saying that she guessed she'd come see us when I got "good and ready."

What the fuck ever.

See, that brainwashing/guilt-tripping bullshit she pulls may work on the men she ultimately ends up marrying, but it doesn't work on her daughters. She hasn't even sent the kid a 99 cent card since his birth, and I'm supposed to bend over backwards to accomodate her wish to grace us with her almighty presence?


Any guesses who I'll call back first? My money's on my father.

Posted by Tiffany at February 7, 2007 11:04 AM | TrackBack

She's missing out, that's all I can say. New kids rock, they smell good, they sleep alot, they can't crawl away. My baby is all drooly and snotty from teething but he's still adorable and awesome!

You could start calling her back after your midnight or 2 am feedings. You know, just to chat since you're up!

Posted by: Erik at February 7, 2007 12:58 PM

I don't even know what to say when you tell me about people like that. And you'd think I would, since I'm related to a bunch of them and all. It really is her loss; please don't even think of letting her guilt trip you for that.

Posted by: Fraulein N at February 8, 2007 01:23 PM
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