December 01, 2004

Stains stains everywhere.

Stains stains everywhere.

When I was in elementary school, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't get off the school bus in the afternoon without fresh stains on my clothing. It could be mustard from the hotdogs served in the cafegymtorium for lunch, grass on my pants from recess, or even chocolate milk.

I think I'm reverting back to that.

On Monday, I spilled the tomato sauce from my ravioli on my shirt and pants. Yesterday I developed a mystery laceration on my thumb while driving to lunch and got blood on my pants. Today I cut myself shaving and failed to wait for it to clot before I put my pants on, so now there's yet another blood stain on my pants.

If I were me, I wouldn't do my own laundry.

Posted by Tiffany at December 1, 2004 08:14 AM