October 30, 2003

Dear Mom:

I hate those people that never have a good idea of their own. Especially the ones that forget where they've stolen their ideas from and carelessly present one of your ideas as their own right in front of your face.

I think you're far too young to be senile. Are you intentionally zapping our creative energies and using them for your own sordid affairs? Oh, come on! You keep saying that me and Dee need prayer, but I don't know--God don't like ugly, true, but isn't there a commandment in there somewhere saying something about theft, too? Like, "Honor thy daughters ideas, bitch, and don't go sayin' they're yours"?

It was MY idea to open a bakery, remember? 'Cuz I can actually bake whereas you merely fake? How long do you think you can make people believe that ready-made cakes from Food Lion are baked by your own widdle hands? Don't make me tell on you. I'll tell your man. Yep. I'll blow up your spot reeeeeeeaaaalllll good.

Your man: Neesie, I thought you said you made these.
You: I did...why? What happened?
Your man: Why is there a piece of paper in my bread that says "You've been Punk'd! Your lady can't cook a damn thing!"?

What about Dee-Dee's unisex hair shack thingy? The one that you thought was a good idea only when you heard it coming out of your own mouth?

How you gonna lie and tell folks you taught me how to cook whenever people complement me on something? How the HELL did you teach me how to cook? For some reason, I remember Grandma raising me...perhaps that was a 15 year-long dream, but I dunno...

As soon as I find out who leaked my paint color ideas to you, heads will roll. And the family tree photo wall? Oh COME ON! That was MY idea! I don't even want to do it anymore >:(. I'mma keep my mouth shut from now on. Shit, if I said I wanted concrete walls to keep out the roaches like the folks in that commercial, would you go and try to do it first?

Posted by Tiffany at October 30, 2003 04:50 AM