December 29, 2004

Do you ever think?

I don't know why this whole office postage thing pisses me off so. Yes, I made my cranky entrance into office-o'-blah-blah today to discover that someone, probably BossWife, had been in yesterday to print postage, leaving the mail items on my desk to send out. With today's date. I had advanced the date yesterday to send mail out with the correct post mark for the mail that the carrier will pick up today.

I'm not making a special trip to the mailbox. I've decided that right now. I'm never going to make special trips to the mailbox for other peoples' personal mail. If their whole damned family is going to come in to use postage--that's fine. Don't make me mail it. It's a blow to what I do here. I'm not their personal bitch. I actually had a dream last night where I stated as much to them. *sigh*

If it were pretty out and the weather not so nippy, I'd be happy to make an extra walk to Egypt to mail the crap. Seeing as how four staff members spend a quarter of their day outside smoking, it makes more sense for their non-working asses to shuffle out to the box. Or just mail their shit as they drive out. Or mail their shit from their own houses. I really don't care.

It boggles my mind that Bossman can't understand where "all that postage we bought last month" went. Well, I can say with some certainty, since I log every piece of business-related mail I send out of here, that they send as much personal mail out as we do mail for business.

That's where all your freakin' postage is going. And don't look at me as if I'm using the meter for my own purposes, either. I may steal the occasional six pieces of paper to print driving directions, but I don't make it a habit.

Posted by Tiffany at December 29, 2004 07:34 AM | TrackBack