February 04, 2005

Doing the backstroke through waves of paper.

It'll be just me and the ghosts here in the office today. Bossman, Hat Guy, Mr. 9.9, and Oops! went to the regional conference. BossSon works on a severely limited schedule of two days per week: today ain't one of those days.

Why did I come in?

Because I have a stack of paperwork up to my ta-tas that I'll never get through. I had gotten to the bottom of the pile on Monday and then I got caught up in a day-long project involving photocopying an assload of business records for our accountant.

So, I'm behind again. I've finally relinquished my pride in this situation and decided that we need to get some part-time help up in here.

I need a Mini-me....and someone to replace pick up the slack for BossSon.

Must go scour the college job boards now.

Posted by Tiffany at February 4, 2005 07:38 AM | TrackBack